President Obama suggestion that everyone should be eligible for a free college tuition met with extremely mixed reviews on both sides of the aisles of Congress. Who will pay the costs? Is everyone really college material? Is this just more political posturing? My first reaction was “no way José.”
Then I remembered that there is a college that does exactly that – provides free college tuition to every student. Hard to believe? Well it’s true. College of the Ozarks (, near Branson, MO, nicknamed “Hard Work U” by the Wall Street Journal, provides free college tuition to all of its students. In exchange, the students work 15 hours per week during the school year, and two 40 hour weeks during break times. Whenever possible the work is directly tied in to the student’s study plan.

Room, board, and incidental fees per student are $6,030 each year, and can be paid by the student or met by an optional Summer Work Education Program.
The student body consists of approximately 1500 students, with 70% selected from the Ozark Mountain Region. The student-to-faculty ratio of 14:1.
I have been on the campus of the College many times over the past 10 years, and am always impressed by the attitude and enthusiasm of the students and faculty. Wouldn’t it be great if this model were adapted to the majority of all small colleges throughout the nation? It would revolutionize education, making it “affordable” to all.
Maybe President Obama should take a close look at Hard Work U. What are your thoughts on expanding the C of O model throughout the country?