As a middle American and compassionate, conservative Republican, I’m embarrassed, disappointed and ashamed. Over the years I have watched with dismay as my party has systematically loaded its pistol, and shot off its toes one at a time. We are now limping into a National Convention with a lack of coherence and civility. Hopefully, we can find a 3D printer that can make new toes and get them attached before it’s too late.
I am not endorsing, nor am I condemning, any candidate. This has always been a very private matter, but, now that the nomination of Donald Trump seems to be almost assured, I am embarrassed, disappointed and ashamed of many of the dignitaries in my lifelong party. It appears that many of these people are acting like spoiled, petulant children on the playground, who threaten to take their ball
and go home if they don’t get their way.
George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and Paul Ryan, (three men I have admired for years) to name a few, said they haven’t decided whether or not to endorse or vote for Trump, although, this week, Ryan did attempt to extend an olive branch. Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham have stated they won’t vote for Trump. Now Conservative Journalist William Kristol and Mitt Romney have met to discuss introducing a Third Party Candidate. They may even try to recycle Mitt again. It is interesting that a Journalist seems to feel empowered to select a nominee for President.
The last time I checked this is still a democracy in which the voice of the people is paramount. Maybe this isn’t meant to include the “good ole boys” who have shared so much power in years past. Could it be true that, rather than looking out for the good of the party, they are actually afraid of upsetting their own personal status quo? Trump has proven that the “status quo” is very unpopular with rank and file voters.
Isn’t it time that all of the so-called “loyal” Republicans got together and recognized that, like it or not, the people seem to have spoken? Let’s begin to build on strengths while rebuilding the Party. For whatever “well meaning” reasons they have espoused, too many of our elected officials have been stumbling stones rather than building blocks. Granted, Donald Trump is far from “politically correct” in what he does and says. Granted also, he has shaken and angered more than a few people with his rhetoric. But, have we forgotten that there are two other branches of government established to apply checks and balances to the Presidency?
There is still time, and, maybe by the time you are reading this, they will reverse course, and get on the same team. It’s not important that we agree on everything, lest any new ideas would be stifled. It is important that we ALL agree to work together to build a better future. The Republican Party and the future of the Country may depend on it.
The data presented herein for the most part are strictly my personal opinions and are subject to my interpretation of various articles I have read or classes I have taken over the years. I believe they fairly represent the points I am trying to convey, but should not be taken as irrefutable fact.