It has been said that everyone has that one great idea; that one best-selling book; or that one exciting product that will bring them fame and fortune, IF ONLY they knew how to bring it to fruition. Sadly, the process almost always stops with the IF ONLY.
Do you, or anyone you know, have such a business idea or product that you would like to see on the market? Maybe it’s as simple as re-purposing a potential design disaster into a viable everyday product such as the ubiquitous Post It Notes or Silly Putty. Maybe it’s taking an idea that has been around for years and “tweaking” it to make it marketable like the Hula Hoop, the Frisbee, or the Slinky. And, maybe it’s as ground breaking as a cure for the common cold.

Let 2016 be your year to launch your product or idea. Maybe I can help. I’ve done it with others many times before, from concept to funding to production to market. It doesn’t cost anything to explore, and, just maybe, together we can make it happen.
Email me at burrellg39@gmail.com or call (214) 725-6946, with no charge or obligation. Just maybe we can change the “If Only” to “Let’s Do It.”