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Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble.” Macbeth by William Shakespeare

The three witches told Macbeth he would be king, but his children would not.  In anger, Macbeth went around killing his enemies to eliminate the danger.  But the catch was, these witches are crazy.  Could he trust them?  He probably could have saved himself a lot of trouble if he had stuck to the facts and the present.

Fast forward to September 2017.  Those of you who have read my previous postings know that I try not to take a strong position on either side of the issues, but concentrate on digging down to find and solve the underlying problems that go unchecked while folks are arguing over symptoms.  Lately these arguments have turned into downright hostility, and rational thinking has all but disappeared.  People are using social media to say hateful things they would never say face to face.  This is even causing dissention within friends and families.

Let’s look again at some of the issues gaining the most press today.  These generally involve some group or groups of people protesting, on both sides, things like flags, statues, transgender bathrooms, causes of the Civil War, the President, and Melania’s high heel shoes during her initial visit to the floods in the Houston area (OK, I added that last one just to show how far people go to criticize).  Of course, the “Lives Matter” issues are always sure to gain traction every time a mistake is made, or perceived to have been made, by law enforcement.  The problem is that none of these issues address the true problems facing our nation.  They are all symptoms, often initiated by some unknown person or groups who remains hidden in the shadows.  I doubt that these demonstrations are spontaneous.  I believe they are “sponsored and orchestrated.”  I’ve read, though I haven’t checked facts, that most, if not all, of these demonstrations have a large number of participants who are paid to attend and agitate.

In the meantime, an egomaniac in North Korea is firing missiles over Japan and threatening to “Nuke” the United States.  Our Congress is struggling to advance a meaningful healthcare bill.  And, regularly, this same Congress authorizes an increase in our debt ceiling, as it did again this week.  We could add education, taxation, immigration and other “…ations” to the mix, but you get the picture.  Folks, we have a problem.

Now back to King Macbeth – you knew I’d get back to this, didn’t you?  Recent history, dating to Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Goebbels (Hitler’s propagandist) details how societies are controlled by despots, stirring the pot, using “Useful Idiots.”

  • Russian revolutionary and propagandist Vladimir Lenin said, “A good communist finds use for everything, and nothing is more useful than a useful idiot.”
  • Lenin also said, “Destroy the family and you destroy society.”
  • “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic, and/or military consequences of the lie, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie.”– Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s propagandist.
  • In political jargon, a useful idiot is a person perceived as a propagandist for a cause whose goals of which they are not fully aware, and who is used cynically by the leaders of the cause.

These men were intent on controlling society for their own purpose of eventual control.  They had a goal, and they used deception and confusion to further that goal.  We knew who was “stirring the pot.”  That’s not the case today, and that is worrisome.  I mentioned “sponsored and orchestrated” above, and this is where my concern lies.  George Orwell stated, “the most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”  Somehow, all of these forces are at work today.  Someone is “stirring the pot,” but the question is who and for what purpose?  Why does someone want to diminish or dismantle the America of our ancestors?  Who stands to gain once America no longer holds its position of prominence in the world?  I don’t have an answer, but I continue to seek input.

Is it the Russians; the Chinese; the One World Order; the Democratic Party; the Republican Party?  Is it, as many claim, some one person such as George Soros?  We need to know, because this is real.  It’s not a script in some B-Grade Movie.  The United States of America of the past is being decimated from within, just as my college economics professor warned many decades ago.

Follow the money or the power, and ask again, “who stands to gain?”  I’d like to know your thoughts.