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Welcome to seniorthinker.com, a blogging website dedicated to providing a little “aging with humor and wisdom” to those of us who now receive the “senior discounts” at Denny’s and IHOP, and those of you who may soon find yourself in this stage of life or have loved ones in this stage of life.  We seniors are a humorous lot as we explore new ground on a daily basis.  Some of us have “thrown in the towel” and sit and wait for the Grim Reaper to come calling.  Others embrace the freedom of retirement and enjoy every minute of it.  Most of us are somewhere in between, still trying to figure out what we want to do “when we grow up.”  I definitely fit in this latter category.

I will limit my discussions to two main topics, while going on a few tangents every once in a while.  Mostly, I want to generate some civil discussions on these topics as I “stir the pot” on a regular basis, and sincerely solicit your feedback.  The two main topics are:

  • Aging – Considers Finances, Physical Health, Mental Health, and Outlook on Life. In these I concentrate on the choices we make, our attitude and our abilities. Above all I try to promote the theme “remain relevant.” It’s never too late to create.
  • Sociopolitical issues of the day – Media outlets constantly publish the latest problems du jour, but these generally are merely symptoms of some much deeper rooted problems.  I will attempt to identify these symptoms in order to uncover and solve the underlying problems. To do this I will apply the wisdom gained through years of experience, using common sense and “seat of the pants” logic.

My ultimate goal is to develop a meaningful civil dialogue with my readers whereby we can discuss timely topics and problems, utilizing the humor and wisdom we have gained over decades of living. Sometimes you’ll agree with me; other times you’ll disagree; and sometimes you’ll be like Rhett Butler and “not give a damn.”  If I’ve caused you to think, then I have achieved my goal.  In any event I’d like to hear what you have to say.  As we say in Texas, a blind hog sometimes finds an acorn.  Maybe we can stumble upon some acorns that will “make a difference” and improve our world in some small (or large) way.


Latest Blog Posts





The three witches told Macbeth he would be king, but his children would not.  In anger, Macbeth went around killing his enemies to eliminate the danger.  But the catch was, these witches are... READ MORE


  “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside... READ MORE


The time has come,” the Walrus said, “To talk of many things: Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax– Of cabbages–and kings– And why the sea is boiling hot– And whether pigs have wings.” By Lewis... READ MORE

The Kids Don’t Want It

Since I was a young boy I have always been fond of the “things and stuff” that my parents had accumulated over the years. I should explain that my father was 58 years... READ MORE